Wednesday, October 17, 2012

White Horse WIP

The last of the under-paintings which I started this week is this white horse. I had hoped to get another horse started as well but I have company coming and I've run out of time. Here's a very poor photo taken in low-light with my phone.

I planted some lettuce in containers on the deck a few weeks back and something kept digging in the pots. I finally decided to move them up to the area directly outside the french doors in the family room where I was hoping the dogs would keep the animals at bay. Well...not so much...

Brave little guy getting a drink with a foot in one of the pots of lettuce sprouts.
The dogs were completely unaware on the other side of the window. Hmmmm...


  1. Ma chère Darlène vous les gâtez trop les écureuils!!...Je comprends pourquoi ils reviennent!
    Le portrait de votre cheval est bien planté... j'ai hâte de voir la suite !
    Gros bisous

    1. LOL! I do love squirrels! I would be tempted to make pets out of them if it wasn't for the dogs. I would also like some lettuce though too...
